Original-Titel des Exponats: CEYLON POSTAL STATIONERY 1857-1935
Inhaber (Autor) des Exponats: Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG, Bietigheim-Bissingen, Deutschland
Registriernummer des Exponats: 968
Version des Exponats: 1
Anzahl der Blätter: 126
Weitere Informationen: Gold medal at Singapore 2015
Extremely specialized exhibition collection containing all kind of postal stationeries, mint and or used, from early QV ENVELOPES 1857-59 including all denominations unused, some used cut-outs (almost all are rarities), Specimen and proofs, also specialized section with further envelopes including varieties like double/inverted overprints, proofs, or as mail to good destinations (incl. Camp mail), followed by an also specialized section WRAPPERS including proofs and rare items (scarce overprints), and POSTCARDS from 1872 with rarities like No.1 perfd. SPECIMEN (only recorded example), even one used and an unused example of both the 1879/80 cards optd. 8 cents and 8 Cents, further scarce proofs, cards and usages, unusual destinations like Hawaii, registered mail, P.O.W. Camp mail, etc., followed by LETTER CARDS including the unique printer's essay of No.1, SPECIMEN, insuff. franked letter card 1904 to Japan, registered or Camp mail to Europe, and others more, and, last but not least, an also impressive section REGISTERED ENVELOPES showing the various issues, formates, and usages including insured mail, good destinations, large sized env's used, and many interesting items more.
Web site of Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG: