If you want to send us your exhibit for display, we bring the necessary technical information.
Please scan your exhibit in accordance with the technical specifications listed below or please leave a scan it to someone "computer-savvy" from your surroundings.
Technical specifications for scanning complete album pages:
1. Resolution of 16,7 mil. colors
2. Quality: 300 dpi
3. The minimum (!!!) width of every image: 1280 pixels (or higher), please do not reduce the quality of scans yourself
4. We highly recommend to take out the sheets of protective packaging. The reflection from the protective foils when scanning can significantly reduce the quality of the copies.
Assign the sequence numbers 001-080, or further to scans of exhibit sheets in the correct order as they are to be displayed. We accept formats *.jpg, *.tif, *.gif, *.bmp (Please no Adobe format *.pdf nor Word formats *.doc nor *.docx). Correctly numbered files burn yourself or let burn onto CD/DVD and send it to the address:
Mr. Milan Černík P. O. Box 243 CZ - 160 41 Praha 6 Czech Republic
Alternatively, you can send the scans directly from your computer to our FTP server - send us an e-mail at the address and we will send you the access codes: login and password.
We can also download images electronically from your address (FTP server) or from your Web site.
We look forward to working with you!
Milan Cernik and Bretislav Janik – Organizing committee of EXPONET