EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition
EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition
EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition
EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition

Philatelic exhibits



EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition
EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition

Philatelic exhibitions

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EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition
EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition


EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition
Philatelic information portal www.philanotes.com
EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition
EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition


EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition

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EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition

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EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition
EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition

Exhibits statistics

Number of exhibits/pages:

   All: 1359/98754

   Active: 1146/85770

   For sale: 5/390

EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition
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EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition
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Philatelic information portal www.philanotes.com
Dear visitors, welcome to the virtual international philatelic exhibition EXPONET, which currently offers more than 1100 philatelic exhibits.

Sponsorship - List of donors


# Way of payment Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Name and surname, Country Amount
0053 PayPal 2020-05-06 Andre Scheer, Netherlands Nizozemsko / Netherlands / Niederlande 1500 CZK
0052 Bank Account 2017-01-19 Antonín Jánský, Czech Republic Česká republika / Czech Republic / Tschechische Republik 1949 CZK
0051 Bank Account 2016-04-29 Zdeněk Štěpán, Czech Republic Česká republika / Czech Republic / Tschechische Republik 1000 CZK
0050 Bank Account 2015-12-01 Henk Fiolet, Netherlands Nizozemsko / Netherlands / Niederlande 25 EUR
0049 Bank Account 2015-10-14 KF 05-11 Vysoké Mýto, Czech Republic Česká republika / Czech Republic / Tschechische Republik 5000 CZK
0047 PayPal 2015-08-20 John Tollan, Australia Austrálie / Australia / Australien 1400 CZK
0046 PayPal 2015-08-02 Andre Scheer, Netherlands Nizozemsko / Netherlands / Niederlande 1000 CZK
0045 Bank Account 2015-07-29 Georg Wilhelms, Germany Německo / Germany / Deutschland 30 EUR
0044 PayPal 2015-06-29 Heinz Selig, Germany Německo / Germany / Deutschland 3000 CZK
0043 PayPal 2015-04-09 Wolfgang Morscheck, Germany Německo / Germany / Deutschland 20 CZK
0042 Bank Account 2014-06-11 František Beneš, Czech Republic Česká republika / Czech Republic / Tschechische Republik 10000 CZK
0041 PayPal 2014-03-16 Fiolet Henk, Netherlands Nizozemsko / Netherlands / Niederlande 15 USD
0040 PayPal 2014-01-11 Charles Colomb, Canada Kanada / Canada / Canada 100 USD
0039 PayPal 2013-08-22 Gennadiy Balovlenkov, Kazakhstan Kazachstán / Kazakhstan / Kasachstan 3 USD
0038 PayPal 2013-05-05 Andre Scheer, Netherlands Nizozemsko / Netherlands / Niederlande 25 USD
0037 Bank Account 2013-04-14 František Wirkner, Czech Republic Česká republika / Czech Republic / Tschechische Republik 500 CZK
0036 PayPal 2012-09-04 FABIO ANTONIO SERRA FLOSI, Brasil Brazílie / Brasil / Brasilien 15 USD
0035 Bank Account 2012-05-29 PETR FLAŠKA, Czech Republic Česká republika / Czech Republic / Tschechische Republik 500 CZK
0034 PayPal 2011-08-04 Roberto Basso, Brasil Brazílie / Brasil / Brasilien 5 USD
0033 PayPal 2011-05-28 A. D. McGrattan, United Kingdom Velká Británie / United Kingdom / Großbritannien 10 USD
0032 PayPal 2011-05-12 Janis Dumpis, Latvia Lotyšsko / Latvia / Lettland 12.5 USD
0031 PayPal 2011-05-08 CARLOS HENRIQUE MENEZES E SILVA, Brasil Brazílie / Brasil / Brasilien 10 USD
0030 PayPal 2010-10-28 Rys Renald, France Francie / France / Frankreich 15 USD
0029 PayPal 2010-09-06 DEYAN NIKOLOVSKI, Bulgaria Bulharsko / Bulgaria / Bulgarien 15 USD
0028 PayPal 2010-09-04 Lau Kim Chung, Hong Kong Hong Kong / Hong Kong / Hong Kong 20 USD
0027 PayPal 2010-07-18 Andrei Ochmat, Brasil Brazílie / Brasil / Brasilien 50 USD
0026 PayPal 2010-04-19 HENK FIOLET, Netherlands Nizozemsko / Netherlands / Niederlande 25 USD
0025 Bank Account 2010-04-08 JIŘÍ MAJER, Czech Republic Česká republika / Czech Republic / Tschechische Republik 5000 CZK
0023 PayPal 2010-03-03 ERIC COWLEY, USA USA / USA / USA 10 USD
0022 Bank Account 2009-10-08 JOSEF ŠOLC, Czech Republic Česká republika / Czech Republic / Tschechische Republik 1000 CZK
0021 PayPal 2009-09-08 WOLFGANG SPILLE, USA USA / USA / USA 50 USD
0020 PayPal 2009-07-12 JAN BISSCHOPS, Netherlands Nizozemsko / Netherlands / Niederlande 15 USD
0019 Bank Account 2009-07-04 JIŘÍ MAJER, Czech Republic Česká republika / Czech Republic / Tschechische Republik 5000 CZK
0018 PayPal 2009-06-24 JAMES JURACEK, USA USA / USA / USA 20 USD
0017 PayPal 2009-04-01 SUN RAY, China Čína / China / China 1 USD
0016 PayPal 2009-03-30 Carlos Dalmiro Soares, Brasil Brazílie / Brasil / Brasilien 10 USD
0015 PayPal 2009-02-20 WOLFGANG MORSCHECK, Germany Německo / Germany / Deutschland 20 USD
0014 PayPal 2009-01-21 FUMIAKI WADA, Japan Japonsko / Japan / Japan 10 USD
0013 PayPal 2008-10-27 HEINZ SELIG, Germany Německo / Germany / Deutschland 100 USD
0012 PayPal 2008-06-10 WILLIAM SANDRIK, USA USA / USA / USA 20 USD
0011 Cash 2008-06-05 GEORG WILHELMS, Germany Německo / Germany / Deutschland 500 CZK
0010 Bank Account 2008-06-02 PETR SVATOPLUK, Czech Republic Česká republika / Czech Republic / Tschechische Republik 1000 CZK
0009 PayPal 2008-02-23 LARS ENGELBRECHT, Danmark Dánsko / Danmark / Dänemark 20 USD
0008 Cheque 2008-01-29 CARLOS ROYUELA, Bolivia Bolívia / Bolivia / Bolivien 50 USD
0007 PayPal 2007-09-18 RICARDO BODO, Italy Itálie / Italy / Italien 20 USD
0006 PayPal 2007-09-09 JOHN MACCO, USA USA / USA / USA 5 USD
0005 Cheque 2007-08-02 ALEXANDER MALYCKY, Canada Kanada / Canada / Canada 50 USD
0004 Bank Account 2007-07-11 IVO PREJDA, Czech Republic Česká republika / Czech Republic / Tschechische Republik 1000 CZK
0003 PayPal 2007-07-03 GILBERT SCHMIDT, Austria Rakousko / Austria / Österreich 30 USD
0002 PayPal 2007-06-28 GERHARD REICHERT, Germany Německo / Germany / Deutschland 10 USD
0001 PayPal 2007-06-26 JOHN MACCO, USA USA / USA / USA 5 USD


EXPONET o.p.s., a non-profit organisation

Sponsorship - List of donors
EXPONET is a nonprofit activity. If you like it or it brings some benefit to you, please, donate to its operation and further development. Thank you for your kindness!
Sponsorship - List of donors
Philatelic information portal www.philanotes.com
Sponsorship - List of donors
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EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition
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EXPONET - Virtual International Philatelic Exhibition